Non-comedogenicity by dermatologist
Non-comedogenicity by dermatologist
by dermatologist
Counting of non-inflammatory and inflammatory lesions on the face or on the back of each subject before and after a defined period of product application.
The Dermatologist determines the number of retentional lesions (closed comedones and opened comedones) and/or inflammatory lesions (papules, pustules and excoriated lesions) on the studied site, before and after use of the test product.
Interpretation of the results:
• A stabitity (or possibly a decrease) of the number of retentional lesions and/or inflammatory lesions after repeated product application enables to conclude to the non-acnegenicity of the investigated product.
• A stability (or possibly a decrease) of the number of all lesions after repeated product application enables to conclude to a non-comedogenicity of the investigated product.
Measurement: whole face
Kinetics: T0 and T+X weeks (2 or 4 weeks)
• Dermatologically tested (ผ่านการทดสอบโดยแพทย์ผู้เชี่ยวชาญทางผิวหนัง)
• Clinically tested (ผ่านการทดสอบทางคลินิก)
• Non-comedogenic (ไม่ก่อให้เกิดสิว)
• Non-acnegenic (ไม่ก่อให้เกิดสิวอักเสบ/ไม่อักเสบ)

19 March 2024
Viewed 961 time